
垂水区総氏神 海神社


        Wellcome  [English]

Kai Shrine "kai Jinjya"
"Kai"is same meaning as the sea.(kai=Umi=海=Sea)
[A short description of this shrine]
This Shrine is built close by the sea,and the gods of the sea are the object of worship.
They have been worshiped as the safe sea and prosperity of fishery deity,
and from ancient times, an abundant harvests,a prosperous business at large,an easy delivery of ababy and traffic safty at large.

How to worship

You pass under this gate"the torii". Let's nod lightly before passing.The approach to a shrine is used by the deity,so it's considered proper etiqette for visitors to avoid walking in the middle so as not to get in the way of the deity.


As you proceed,you will come to a purification basin.
Before presenting yourself to the deity, you're supposed to cleanse your hands and mouth to get rid of impurities.

Purification basin (Cleanse)
1.Take a ladle on right hand and scoop water.

2.Cleanse left hand first and change hand and cleanse right hand.


3.Pour some water in left hand to rinse your mouth.(Don't drink from the ladle)

4.Spit the water in the ground.
5.Hold the ladle vertically to purity the handle with the rest of the water in the ladle.
6.Place it back on the stand in purification basin.


Up ahead is the hall of worship.This is where you
offer prayers to the deity.

1.Ringing the bell. (Ringing the bell is said to summon the deity and to restore your inocence.)
2.Throw money into an offertory box.
3.The most common way to worship is to bow twice and clap twice.
Then your pray in silence, and you bow one more time at the end.
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"Twice bowing,twice clapping and one-time bowing"
A basic manner of prayer is "Twise bowing,twice clapping and one-time bowing" Although the prayer manner was different in each shrine in the past,unification to the current method,twice bowing ,twice clapping and one-time bowing'was implemented due to the separation of Buddhism and Shintoism in the Meiji(1868~1912) period.

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